Serenity Pendants are designed to instill in the wearer a feeling of peace and serenity, of still being in control of at least some aspects of their life despite the disruptive world situation. This feeling of serenity enables us to function effectively when those around us are coming unglued.
This pendant is composed of traditional stones which have been used to improve the function of the chakras for the past 6000 years. The Crystal Catalyst Bead is added to greatly enhance and multiply the action of these stone combinations on the etheric body. The Crystal Catalyst Pendant will not generally absorb and store negativity because it is cancelled out by the Crystal Catalyst Bead which activates them.
Stones: Aventurine, Moss Agate, Quartz Crystal, Crystal Catalyst, Rose Quartz, and Amethyst
This pendant is composed of traditional stones which have been used to improve the function of the chakras for the past 6000 years. The Crystal Catalyst Bead is added to greatly enhance and multiply the action of these stone combinations on the etheric body. The Crystal Catalyst Pendant will not generally absorb and store negativity because it is cancelled out by the Crystal Catalyst Bead which activates them.
Stones: Aventurine, Moss Agate, Quartz Crystal, Crystal Catalyst, Rose Quartz, and Amethyst